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Posted by Maxine Cleminson - - 2 comments

Him Indoors has been making an effort to get on top of the tangle of cables/chargers/things-with-wires that we have stashed in various office drawers/cupboards/boxes.  I guess it's a sign of the times we live in, but I honestly can't believe how many of the darn things we have floating around!  I don't think it helps that every manufacturer seems to have a slightly different take on the same thing!

Yet again, I'm posting with an idea that's not mine.  Hmmmm.  As before, this one is also too good to not share!  Him Indoors was inspired by a pin he saw online (hahaha... he's now Pinterest obsessed too!) and has been on a mission ever since.  The original idea comes from a chap called Beserk who posted a tutorial on Instructables.com, however, my clever hubbie has been improvising with pipe insulation too!

It really is the simplest idea.  Why are they always the best?

You will need...
  • A tangle of cables in desperate need of sorting out!
  • An empty cardboard box, approximately 6 inches deep (a shoe box would do, but a large spotlight lightbulb box did the trick for us).
  • A variety of cardboard tubes - toilet paper rolls work well, as do kitchen paper ones cut in half.  Alternatively, you could use a length of pipe insulation tube, cut into 4-5 inch lengths (the nice thing about pipe insulation is that it is split down the length allowing easy insertion of the cables, but still grips them tightly).
Like the design of a bees' honeycomb, you essentially create an array of hollow cells separated by thin walls.  Each cell (tube) contains a neatly folded cable and can be removed independently from the box, without disturbing the others.  Another benefit is that you can easily see the item you are looking for with a quick glance!

Easy peasy!

2 Responses so far.

  1. I am pinning this one for MY hubby!


  2. Rigby says:

    I love this! We are being overtaken by cords at our house! I think I will come up with a labeling system so everything ends up back where it belongs... Or I can ID what is missing....

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