Just a quick post to apologise for the hiatus in blogging since Christmas! January and February 2012 have flown by in a blur and life has been very busy. We've had visitors on-and-off since mid-December and so blogging has been a bit tricky to squeeze in without seeming a completely anti-social toad... although, the long-suffering Him Indoors clearly doesn't get treated to the same courtesy (sorry, babe!). As it is, I just wanted to make it clear that I haven't given up... if anything the break has given me the chance to think of some exciting new ideas to share!
Coming up...
- Lots of ways to make the most of your freezer (something I've been perfecting while we've had visitors).
- The odd craft project, including Beyblade and Ninjago DIY projects :-)
- Some potty training tips (learnt the hard way with twins... *sigh*).
- Reviews of some new kitchen gadgets I've been trying out.
- Some ideas on ways to set up a babysitting cooperative.
- Birthday party ideas for a Raptor-obsessed 7-year old!
Missed you guys!
P.S. A fab photo to keep you going...