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Posted by Maxine Cleminson - - 2 comments

Star Wars.  Again.  It's an occupational hazard of living with 4 boys (I'm counting Him Indoors as well) so I hope you don't think I'm obsessed!  However, I couldn't resist after a chance discovery in the grocery store this week.

I miss British chocolate.  There's no getting away from the fact that Hershey bars suck compared to Cadbury's Dairy Milk!  Despite having grown to love the American Reese's Peanut butter cups, they really are no substitute for my all time favourite choccie treat... Maltesers!  The melt in the mouth, malty, chocolate-y yumminess is beyond compare (just realised I sound like the Chef from South Park going on about his Chocolate Salty Balls!).  To top it all, at 186 calories a bag ... they're not the worst treat out there (hey, it's all about relativity!).  Thankfully, you can buy Maltesers here in Houston - in the British section of the International Isle in the grocery store sandwiched between the PG Tips and Heinz Salad Cream!  However, as with all imported foodstuffs, they are expensive!  So when I discovered that Hershey's make a similar product called Whoppers I was over the moon!  A true connoisseur could probably tell the difference, but it's good enough for me!  

Maltesers & Whoppers ... Separated at birth?

Upon making this monumental discovery, I was reminded of a great recipe given to me by a former student of mine at a school in Berkshire.  Malteser Cake!  In fact, it's not really a 'cake' at all... more like a truffle/cookie I suppose, but it is very simple to make and doesn't require baking so it's a great one to make with little kids.  From that inspiration, it was a very straightforward jump (in my head, at least) from Malteser Cake to Darth Maul-teser Cake.  For those of you scratching your heads in bemusement at this point, Darth Maul is the first apprentice of evil Emperor Palpatine, and the arch-nemesis of Obi Wan Kenobi.  If that still leaves you cold... he's a Star Wars baddie with a red and black face! 

Darth Maul-teser Cake (No Bake)

The recipe was given to me in England by a boy brought up using the metric system, so I've added American alternatives where necessary and converted to imperial measurements to help out those on this side of the pond!

  • 85g of butter (3/4 stick)
  • 2 tablespoons Lyle's golden syrup (a British syrup that's worth looking out for in the International section of the grocery store, or you can substitute corn syrup although that has a slightly runnier texture and doesn't taste quite so nice IMO!)
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 170g Digestive biscuits (6 oz Graham Crackers), crushed.
  • 175g bag of Maltesers (6 oz Hershey's Whoppers) - half crushed and half whole.
  • Red & black candy (e.g. Jelly beans, M & Ms etc...) or sprinkles to decorate.
First things first, no need to preheat the oven!  Just line a 1lb loaf tin, square cake pan or shallow dish with plastic wrap/cling film.  Then melt the butter and syrup in saucepan over a low heat, stirring gently.

Crush up the digestive biscuits (Graham crackers) and half the Maltesers (Whoppers).  You can do this in a food processor or by putting them in a sealed plastic food bag and giving them a good ol' bash with a rolling pin!  Put the crushed biscuits and maltesers into a large bowl and add the cocoa powder.  Then pour in the melted butter and syrup and stir until well combined.  

Allow to cool slightly, then stir in the whole Maltesers (Whoppers). 

Finally, tip the mixture into the lined pan and press down well, but without crushing the whole Maltesers (Whoppers)!  Decorate the top of the cake with red and black candies or sprinkles to resemble the evil Darth Maul's face!  I used Gimbal's Rasberries and Blackberries (jelly sweets with little candy beads that make them look like the real berries), but any red and black candy could be used!  Again, press gently into the top to fix.  

Chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours until set.  Slice into chunky fingers and serve.  Yummy....

2 Responses so far.

  1. Krystle says:

    Our Target sells Dairy Milk, as well as World Market. Have you checked those places? World Market imports a TON of different kinds of chocolate and Heinz beans and other things my British friends here rave about :) Just a thought!

    Found your blog on the linky from M&M :)

  2. Thanks for the tip, Krystle! My nearest World Market is about 40 minutes drive away, but from the sounds of it I think it may be worth a visit! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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